Monday, November 7, 2011

Ferrari FF Supercar Burns On Autobahn

Ferrari FF Supercar Burns On Autobahn

Source: ICB

A Ferrari FF caught fire near Frankfurt on a German autobahn. There have been instances in the past when supercars have instantly combusted leaving just a smouldering heap of metal behind. Lamborghinis have been reported to catch fire chiefly due to overheating. Unlike a Lamborghini, the Ferrari has its engine bolted in the front which should theoretically aid cooling. But, at the end of the day it is a machine and a machine will fail some day or the other. The car that is seen burning in the video was a test car which a 44 year old had taken out for a test drive. According to reports a sudden bang was heard after which smoke started pouring from the rear before the the whole car burst in to flames. Thankfully, no one was injured in the incident but for Ferrari, it was its last outing on the autobahn.

brennender Ferrari FF auf der Autobahn - YouTube

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