Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Let's Christen Maruti 800 !

Let's Christen Maruti 800 !

Dear T-BHPians,

I have been thinking for long that how come the one of the highest selling car in the history of automobile is not having a proper name.:Frustrati I have even come acrss various posts and news articles mentioning the same and I feel it is the proper time to do so due to the following reasons namely Maruti 800 is going to be discontinued soon and a replacement is being considered by Maruti for it. Its like ZEN replacement called ZEN Estilo. I therefore request all T-BHPians to propose their suggestions for a proper name for M800. Let me begin with my suggestion...

Maruti NEO - Do New (like Alto-let's go).

Hope Maruti is listening.

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